Өөрт тохирсон хэлийг сонгоно уу.

Deposit & Withdrawal Policy

Safe and Secure Deposits and Withdrawals

KKPoker has an unwavering commitment to the safety and security of player funds.

KKPoker is operated under a Full license issued by the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.

Player balances are kept in segregated accounts and not used for operational expenses - ensuring that player funds are always available for withdrawal as per our banking and security procedures.

How to Deposit on KKPoker

Log in to your KKPoker account

Go to "Profile", and select the "Deposit" tab.

The cashier will then present all available deposit options for your location. (a player should have uploaded Lv.1 basic information)

Deposited funds will be credited to accounts once a receipt of authorization is confirmed from a bank or third-party payment processor.

General Deposit Policy

Minimum deposit amount is US$20 for most cashier options.

Maximum deposit amount is US$10,000.

The funding of more than one player account using the same source of deposit is prohibited.

If one or more of your deposits are reversed or charged back, that account will be suspended.

Account deposits may require detail/documentation verification regarding anti-money laundering rules and regulations, and/or other obligations, policies or procedures.

From time to time, we may ask you to provide proof of funds source.

Failure to cooperate in any necessary deposit matters may result in account suspension or termination.

It is the responsibility of account holders to retain copies of transaction records.

It is the responsibility of account holders to maintain sufficient funds concerning bet stakes.

We reserve the right to void any bet which may be inadvertently accepted if your account does not have sufficient funds to cover the whole of the bet and/or to recover the amount of any shortfall.

No interest is payable on deposits.

These values are revised regularly and may be subject to change depending on our processing costs.

( Note: The prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the promotion of socially responsible gaming are important priorities in our business and the subject of regulatory requirements. )

Important Deposit Information

Please contact us if any changes are made to your personal/card details. Failure to do so may result in your deposit being declined by your bank or third-party payment processor.

If your bank card is stolen, as well as informing your bank, you must inform us as soon as you become aware.

If you or your bank advise us that your card has been lost or stolen, no further bets will be accepted on your account until you contact us with further instructions.

While KKPoker shall take all reasonable steps to avoid mistakes, outside of where we are negligent, we cannot accept any responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions regarding lodgements to accounts.

Should funds be credited incorrectly, it is the players' responsibility to notify us without delay, and we shall endeavour to rectify such error.

How to Make a KKPoker Withdrawal Request

(For Lv.2 verified players only)

Log in to your KKPoker Account

Visit "Profile" tab

Select the "Withdrawal" button and input the amount (no greater than that of T/W limit) you would like to withdraw, then choose "Submit".

Review the on-screen information carefully before you complete your withdrawal request.

The following screen will display how your withdrawal will be processed.

This is only an estimation of how your funds will be disbursed.

KKPoker cannot guarantee that your withdrawal will be processed exactly as described, as this estimation does not take into account any temporary connectivity problems with outside processors or any issues pertaining to accounts outside of our control.

An email notification from us will be sent to you confirming how your withdrawal request will be processed.

Please refer to your confirmation email after making a withdrawal request to confirm how your funds would be processed.

General Withdrawal Policy

Minimum withdrawal amount is US$20 for most cashier options.

Maximum withdrawal amount varies depending on what payment method you use (for example, Skrill - US$3,000, Crypto – US$10,000).

Withdrawals will only be made available to accounts that have made at least one successful deposit directly from the account owner.

All withdrawals are subject to internal checks.

Players can request no more than 3 withdrawals in any 7 day period.

Once a withdrawal is requested, it will be pending for 24 hours before being processed.

Provided that you have sent the relevant identification documents, all e-wallet withdrawals take no more than 24 hours, whilst card withdrawals can take between 2-5 business days depending on the bank.

(Note: Please note that withdrawals may not be processed back to the previously used deposit methods in some instances.)

Whilst we will try to accommodate players' preferred payment method, the payment methods offered are at our sole discretion.

Withdrawals are generally processed back to the method(s) first used to deposit.

Withdrawals are then applied to players' oldest deposit first and most recent deposit last.

When applying withdrawals back to previous deposits, funds are converted to the currency players' previous deposits were processed in.

(Note: For withdrawals greater than $3,000, we may split the amount into smaller withdrawals to facilitate the request.)

Withdrawal requests may be subject to a request for further explanations and/or supporting documents, such as player identification, payment method, source of funds or wealth, and/or any further necessary information we see fit to satisfy our legal obligations and regulatory requirements.

We apologise if our withdrawal policy causes any inconvenience; however, this is a security feature designed to protect our players against fraud. It ensures that no one can profit from the misuse of another's account.

Additional Withdrawal Information

All withdrawals go through an internal audit process to ensure that fraud prevention, anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism, plus other legal obligations and regulatory requirements are met.

Withdrawal processing time depends on the previous deposit methods used and whether additional information is required.

In some instances, additional information may be required for a withdrawal to be processed.

From time to time, it may also be necessary to withhold player winnings until the completion of game play or fraud reviews, which are routinely carried out to ensure our games' integrity.

We reserve the right to delay and/or stop the withdrawal request processing until we are satisfied that our legal obligations and regulatory requirements have been properly observed.

If you cancel a withdrawal request, you will bear full responsibility for any subsequent use of your funds.

We are under no obligation to refund any amount that the account holder cancelled and subsequently used, lost or transferred.

We will not be liable and will not compensate for any fluctuations of currency values from the point of request to transaction completion time.

Please read our "Real Money Transaction Processing and Currency Conversion Terms and Conditions" for additional information.


If you have any questions about the KKPoker Deposit and Withdrawal Policy or wish to request the full policies in detail, please contact payments@kkpoker.net

(Notes: Please note that we reserve the right to use additional eligibility criteria to determine the deposit and withdrawal options players may be offered at any given time.)

KKPoker-н санал болгодог бүтээгдэхүүн, үйлчилгээг (вебсайт, таблет, гар утасны аппликэйшнээр дамжуулан) хамтад нь "Үйлчилгээ" гэж нэрлэдэг.

Үйлчилгээнд нэвтрэх нь зарим улс орны оршин суугчид эсвэл тэдгээрийн оршин сууж буй улсын хувьд хууль ёсны бус байж болно. Энд үзүүлсэн үйлчилгээ нь KKPoker-с захиалах, бооцоо тавих, тоглоом тоглох эсвэл бусад үйлчилгээнд хамрагдах ийм үйл ажиллагааг хуулиар хориглосон үед үүнийг ашиглах санал, хүсэлт, урилга илгээх биш юм. Тухайлбал, АНУ-ын иргэн эсвэл оршин суугчид аливаа үйлчилгээг ашиглах ёсгүй.

Aceking IOM Limited (Компаний регистер 017019V), 49 Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2LD хаягтай KKPoker-н эзэмшдэг брэнд бөгөөд бүртгэлтэй бизнесийн нэр юм.

Онлайн мөрийтэй тоглоомын тухай 2001 оны хуулийн дагуу 2019 оны 7-р сарын 24-ний өдрөөс хойш Мэн арлын мөрийтэй тоглоомын хяналтын комиссоос зохицуулсан, тусгай зөвшөөрөл авсан (Сүүлийн шинэчлэлт: 2024 оны, 7-р сарын 24). 18-аас доош насны хүмүүс данс үүсгэх ба/эсвэл мөрийтэй тоглоомд оролцохыг хориглоно. Онлайн мөрийтэй тоглоомын бүх өглөг нь Мен аралын хуулиар хэрэгждэг.